On Wednesday, November 10, at 2 PM EST, 11 AM, PST, I'll be presenting a mindful writing webcast for NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month: NaNo Calendar
I'll be offering tips on how to reside in the present moment while writing for those courageously creative participants about to embark on a marathon month-long novel writing experience!
If you'd like to join us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8MvP7oJ41A
If you would like more information about National Novel Writing Month: NaNoWriMo
Description of Session:
This interactive presentation focuses on using mindful writing techniques to help you write your novel during NaNoWriMo. We cover the basics of impermanence, monkey mind, audience ghosts, and preconceptions about writing ability. By residing in the present moment, writers step away from future- or past-oriented worries and create with more ease and satisfaction. Every moment brings us new ideas, if we observe the writing moment with evaluation-free detachment. We practice several techniques to manage perfectionism and readers-in-the-head, plus ways to keep the momentum of your writing going throughout the NaNoWriMo experience.